News Archive

Student Assessment Skills WorkshopThe Training Unit at the Quality Center and the Department of Educational Science (Female Section) co-held a workshop entitled “Student Assessment Skills” in the College of Education in Zulfi on Sunday, 12/05/1437 in the Training Hall. Dr.

Concept of Quality and Academic Accreditation's WorkshopThe Zilfi College of Education represented by the training unit at the quality center and in collaboration with the Arabic Department in the female sections at the annex building organized a workshop entitled "the concept of quality and…

Announcement of 1st Semester Results of Activating the E-Learning System D2LThe results of activating the E-Learning System D2L for the first, second and third levels in the 1st semester of the academic year  1436/ 1437 AH have been announced. Dr.

Computer Assisted Instruction StrategiesUnder the patronage of the deanship of Zilfi College of Education, the training unit at the quality center held in collaboration with the department of educational sciences a training session entitled: Computer Assisted Instruction Strategies." Dr.

Zilfi College of Education Activates the D2L Fourth PhaseThe Zilfi College of Education started the activation of the fourth phase requirements of the D2L program. In fact, Dr. Nawel Ahmed Desouki, conducted a number of training sessions starting from Sunday 15/5/1437 in the main and annex…

Common Linguistic Mistakes  in ResearchesThe unit of Scientific Research in Arabic Department of Zulfi Education College held a lecture on ( the Common Linguistic Mistakes in Researches). Dr.

Zulfi College of Education Participates in E-Learning Courses ActivationAs part of Zulfi College of Education participation in the activation of e-learning courses, which was officially approved by the University for this semester, and in collaboration with the E-learning Unit, the Department of…

Launch of Zilfi College of Education Excellence PrizeUnder the patronage of the college-dean and in the presence of college vice-deans and department-heads, the Zilfi College of Education inaugurated its Excellence Prize on Monday morning 13/5/1437 AH - 22-2-2016 in the Zilfi Campus main theater…

Zulfi College of Education Holds a Workshop on Using Google DocsUnder the auspices of Zulfi College of Education, and in collaboration with the English Language Departmen, the Training Unit at the Quality Center held on Tuesday 08/05/1437 AH, a workshop on “Using Google Docs” in the E-Learning Ha

Zulfi College of Education Holds a Training Session on Being a da'ya (a Preacher)As part of the program (Volunteering is a way to excel), the College held a training session for a group of the College students in the program on Monday 14/05/1437 AH at 11:00 am to become community preachers.

Participation in Training Dentistry StudentsThe College of Education in Zulfi has participated in giving several training courses to the University students among its attempts to develop students’ skills in education.

Social Development ProgramVolunteering is important in developing students character and endorsing the sense of belonging. It is an effective means to develop society and participate in the efforts made for its progress and well-being.

Education College in Zulfi Wins 1st Place for Activating and Implementing D2L SystemThe female section of Education College in Zulfi  won the 1st place for activating and implementing D2L system in the 1st semester of the academic year 1436/1437AH.

Zulfi College of Education Holds a Training Session on Family Pressures & Mentally Disabled ChildrenZulfi College of Education held, on Monday 29/04/1437 AH at 1 pm, a training session titled “Family Pressures & Mentally Disabled Children” in the College building.

Zilfi College of Education Organizes a seminar on Rules of English LanguageThe English Department at the Zilfi College of Education held on Wednesday 1/5/1437 a seminar entitled "the rules of the English language: Vision and method." Dr.

College of Education in Zilfi Offers an Educational ProgramAn educational program was offered by the Department of Arabic seeking to strengthen the links between students and libraries. The program included a visit by Dr.

Arabic Department Holds A Seminar on Heritage's Treasures   Arabic Department held a seminar about the Treasure Heritage on Monday 28-4-1437 AH at Education College in Zulfi.

Education College in Zulfi Participates in Reading Session in GhatA number of faculty and students from the College of Education in Zulfi participated in the Reading session at Al Rahmaniah Library in Ghat which was held on Tuesday 16/4/1437 AH.

A Training Workshop on Questions' TemplateThe Arabic Language Department at Zulfi College of Education held on Thursday 25/04/1437 AH, a training session titled "Questions' Template" in the Hall (17). The session, which targeted faculty members, was offered by Dr.

Shaqra University VisitA number of students and faculty of Arabic Department at College of Education in Zulfi visited Shaqra University where they met the Rector, Dean of Students' Affairs and the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs. The visit aimed to:   1. Enhance the academic and scientific…