Student Assessment Skills Workshop

Student Assessment Skills Workshop

The Training Unit at the Quality Center and the Department of Educational Science (Female Section) co-held a workshop entitled “Student Assessment Skills” in the College of Education in Zulfi on Sunday, 12/05/1437 in the Training Hall. Dr. Muna Al-Sayed- Assistant Professor of Psychological Health and Special Education at the Department of Educational Science in the College- gave the workshop, which targeted the College faculty members. The workshop aimed to develop the abilities and skills of the faculty members regarding the assessment of student learning outcomes. Dr. Sayed clarified the concept and importance of evaluation, its objectives, and methods. Furthermore, she explained the main differences between the traditional and modern assessment, highlighting that the latter is more constructive, cognitive, realistic and multidimensional, where the learners are active participants in the learning process. In such assessment- considered as an essential element of ensuring the quality of the education- students are evaluated according to all learning aspects, cognitive, skills and affective. Moreover, that current assessment is highly linked to students’ real abilities in performing tasks in their life. The significance of this workshop originates from the importance of using the appropriate methods necessary for achieving desirable learning outcomes through a comprehensive assessment that ensures quality academic standards. These standards aim to produce highly competent graduates who deserve the confidence of their communities and meet the labor market requirements and international standards.


Last modified
Sunday, 28/June/2020