Concept of Quality and Academic Accreditation's Workshop

Concept of Quality and Academic Accreditation's Workshop

The Zilfi College of Education represented by the training unit at the quality center and in collaboration with the Arabic Department in the female sections at the annex building organized a workshop entitled "the concept of quality and academic accreditation in higher education. The workshop took place on Wednesday 13/5/1437 at room 16 in the annex building. Dr. Abir Abdussadek Mohamed Badawi the associate professor of Literature and Literary Criticisms in the department conducted the workshop that targeted the faculty members and the likes. The workshop aimed to identify the concept of quality and the related concepts, highlight the strategy of quality in higher education, the foundations of setting up quality in the management of higher education, the policies of quality management as well as the analysis of total quality management and academic accreditation systems. The workshop identified the general obstacles facing the application of total quality management in universities. Then the speaker explained the standards to be applied when assessing the quality of teaching in the light of international experiences. The end of the workshop was dedicated to the conceptualization of a suggestion to set up a total quality and performance development unit in the university colleges.

Last modified
Sunday, 28/June/2020