Zulfi College of Education Participates in E-Learning Courses Activation

Zulfi College of Education Participates in E-Learning Courses Activation

As part of Zulfi College of Education participation in the activation of e-learning courses, which was officially approved by the University for this semester, and in collaboration with the E-learning Unit, the Department of Educational Sciences at the College held a training session on online courses titled “Studying Courses Electronically Using the E-learning System (D2L)". The session, which targeted newly enrolled students at the College, took place on Tuesday 30\4\1437 AH from 8-10 am, in the E-learning Hall, and was presented by Dr. Abdel-Maksoud Moawad Salameh, a Health and Fitness Basics course professor at the College.

Last modified
Sunday, 28/June/2020