Deanship, Quality and Skills Development Pays a Field Visit to the College of Science in Alzulfi


The field visit came within the framework of disseminating culture of quality and  activating the spirit of collaboration among  various units of the university.  The objective of the visit  lies in  supporting the colleges  to meet the requirements of academic accreditation.

In accordance with the work  plan of the deanship to conduct field visits to the colleges of the university, the first vsit was launched  to the College of Science in Zulfi. The team of the visit was  headed by Dr. Khaid  Mohammed  Algarallah  Dean, Quality and Skills Development and the two Vice deans, Mr. Yasir Alhazeimi and Mr. Abdurrahman Ben Mohammed  Alrbeian  and  the two consultants. The team was welcomed by Dr. Mohamed Alaboudi, dean of the college, and Dr. Suleiman Alsalama, Vice,  Dean of the college for quality assurance. The meeting started with a word of delivered by His Excellency`(HE), Dean of the college  who welcomed  Dr. Kalid Algarallah,  Dean of   Quality and Skills Development and the team accompanying him. They explained the achievements  of the unit of quality in the college and pinpointed the hurdles facing them in obtaining academic accreditation. (HE)  Dean, Quality and Skills Development also delivered a speech, expressing his pleasure for  visiting the College of Science. He  mentioned that the objective of the visit was to be acquainted with the problems facing the college with respect to its keenness  in obtaining academic accreditation and  to provide suggestions  that would  boost performance and improve development. Then Dr. Kalid  Algarallah reiterated the importance of the results of the Primary Self-Assessment for the college as a formative step towards academic accreditation. He mentioned that, at the level of programs, the most important criterion, is teaching and learning, which focuses mainly on the educational process. He added that there are events and workshops  for disseminating  applications of quality culture, for instance, the event of  Most Ready Program for Academic Accreditation, which depends  on a number of measures compatible with the requisites of the National Corporation for Academic Accreditation. He pointed out  that the best program will be rewarded . The deanship will also support colleges and quality  assurance  units by explaining any possible misconceptions  in the  eleven measures that the National Corporation  for Evaluation and Academic Accreditation uses as a basis f evaluation. Dr. Kalid  Algarallah also pointed out that communication with the deanship is possible through  the newly established  Technical   Support Unit, according to the new organizational hierarchy. Mr. Abdurrahman Alrbeian, the Vice of the deanship for  academic accreditation,  also delivered a speech, explaining the difference between institutional and program accreditation. In case  a program wishes to obtain program accreditation before the university obtains  institutional accreditation, certain requirements should be met. Afterwards, Mr. Yasir Ben Badr Alhazeimi gave a speech, explaining the importance of attending internal training courses that the deanship organizes in the university as an basic requisite for being allowed to attend external courses, particularly, internal  training includes basic programs in quality assurance.

The dean of quality and his accompanying team visited the academic departments in the college. He met the heads of the departments and discussed with them their plans for  development in the fields of quality assurance  which  leads to improvement of  quality of performance  in the college, wishing to all success and the best of luck.









أخر تعديل
السبت, 29/ديسمبر/2012