Session Entitled (List of Study and Tests of the Undergraduate Stage)

Committee of Student Activities in the Department of English Language at the college held a session entitled " List of Study and Tests of the Undergraduate Stage " in the meeting hall on Wednesday, 25/02/1436 H. The session was presented by Mr. Hussein Al Batayneh, in which he explained the rules and regulations relating to study at the university, in addition to clarify the special basic concepts as the following: 1-Study system (the division of study plan to several levels, and each level to several subjects). 2-Attendance and excuses for study (absence from lectures, deprivation and absence from the final test for a reason, and the apology for the semester). 3-Delay, withdrawal, and quit studying (reasons of folding student's enrollment and the reasons for re-enrollment). 4-Expelling students from the university (academy warnings because of lowering the average or not to complete the subjects in the specified period). 5-Final tests and calculating marks. Also, the session targeted fresh students (first level) so as to identify them with the laws and regulations that affect their studies at the university, as well as their cumulative average. At the end of the session, the gate was open to the notes of students, and their questions so that to discuss and answer these notes and questions

Last modified
Thursday, 26/February/2015