Zulfi College of Education Holds a Seminar Titled "Inspired

Zulfi College of Education Holds a Seminar Titled "Inspired"

For everyone seeking to find his path of success and aspiring to achieve his goals, the Excellence in Teaching and Learning Unit at Zulfi College of Education (female sections) held on Tuesday 27/06/1437 AH, a seminar titled "Inspired" in the College theater. The session, which targeted the College's students and faculty members, was prepared and presented by Dr. Mona Hamed Mohammad Abu Wardah, an assistant professor at the Department of Educational Sciences. It aimed to: * provide inspiring examples from the Saudi society as an ideal. * Provide examples of life styles and ways of thinking in dealing with others. * Provide superior examples on female students in all fields. The attendees were lectured in the importance of having a role models in our lives that we can follow in their footsteps, commit to their ways, and dream to be like them someday. It's presumed that while Muslims wish for a worldly success, it's only to serve their religion and country in the first place. The attendees were reminded that there may be some who are successful in this world, but have lost the everlasting afterlife. At the end of the seminar, they were given real life examples on ideal people from Zulfi community, such as the Head of Zulfi Charity Institution, and some outstanding school teachers, as well as some outstanding faculty members and students at the College.


Last modified
Sunday, 28/June/2020