Meeting with Reading Club Members

Meeting with Reading Club Members

The Dean of the Faculty of Education in Zulfi, Dr. Rashid Al-Thenyan met with the students of the Reading Club on Sunday, 06/02/1438. He talked about the importance of reading and aspects that should be considered when reading a book or an article. “Ask yourself a few questions before reading a book or an article to motivate yourself and set out your objectives from the beginning,” Dr. Rashed said. “Questions such as what I should read?, Why? and How? Give the readers the head start they need and draw their attention to the objectives right from the beginning,” he added. Dr. Rashed claimed that good analysis, perception and development of mental abilities result from reading extensively. The Dean also noted that not all books or articles are created equal. He pointed out “Reading useful materials is likely to make our memories stronger in addition to developing analytical skills.” “Reading improves our concentration as well making us able to take good decisions based on knowledge and experience,” he maintained. “There are several good times for reading like the morning and afternoon, and it is better if you set aside an hour every day for reading although engaging our minds right before bed time might not be a good idea for a sound sleep,” Dr. Rashed claimed. Supervisor of Student Activity Unit Mr. Sami Al-Zaareer

Last modified
Sunday, 28/June/2020