Generations Meeting

Generations Meeting

The Unit of Alumni and Quality Center at the Faculty organized a meeting of generations on Thursday, 09/03/1438 at the main campus of the Faculty that brought together school teachers with alumni and current graduating students. All field education students participated in the preparation of the event, where they hosted school teachers headed by the mathematics supervisor and several Faculty alumni. The activity aimed at helping field education students, who are graduating this year, to benefit from the experience of teachers in their future teaching career. There was a discussion concerning the advantages and pitfalls of field education students while teaching at schools as part of their practical teaching course at the Faculty, and how those students could avoid such mistakes in their early years of instruction. Preparation for the event: 1- First, the idea was proposed to the graduating students, and was approved. 2- Then, a request of holding the event was submitted to the Quality Center at the Faculty to be submitted to the Dean later for approval. 3- Following the Dean’s approval, a letter was sent to the Education Department for the selection of the most experienced teachers. 4- The Department of Education approved the Faculty request. The Event: 1- Start of the meeting. 2- Introduction of the Department vision, mission and goals. 3- Presentation of aspects of the topic. 4- Discussion and recommendations. The Topic: Meeting of generations Aspects of discussion: 1- Subject matter and experience. 2- Relationship between the teacher and students inside and outside the classroom. 3- Teacher’s relationship with the administration, her seniors and colleagues. 4- Faculty syllabuses from the standpoint of expert school teachers. 5- Fields that lack such discussions and meetings. 6- Recommendations and suggestions. Tools 1- A PowerPoint presentation of the vision and mission of the faculty along with the objectives and outcomes of the Department. 2- The Auditorium at the Main campus. Meeting Results 1- Mastery of the lesson to be given as an essential factor of self-confidence and students’ trust. 2- Confining the relationship with students to the school. 3- Keeping pace with modern research in the field and expansion of knowledge and pedagogy approaches as well as carefully reading the teacher’s book before the lesson. 4- Adhering to the rules and regulations of the school. The Department supervisor concluded the meeting by thanking the school teachers and the organizing students for their participation in the production of well-qualified teachers that can benefit their society in the future.


Last modified
Sunday, 28/June/2020