Title: Fathers and Sons; Rights and Duties. Presenter: Dr. Fateh Hosni Mahmoud Abdul Karim. Location: College Theater. Date: 01/03/1438 AH. Target group: faculty members and students of the college. Objectives: 1. to enlighten students with the obligation of honoring their parents. 2. To describe the effects of honoring one’s parents; both in the family and in society. 3. To urge students to be kind to their parents and treat them with respect. 4. To raise their awareness of this obligation from the Glorious Qur'an, and its impact on their lives. 5. Promoting the values of righteousness and devotion to one’s parents; for such values have a positive impact on the individual and society. 6. To stir the students’ emotions and remind them of the serious consequences of neglecting this obligation. In collaboration with the Student Activities Unit at the college and Majmaah Tibian Office, the Department of Islamic Studies held a lecture titled " Fathers and Sons; Rights and Duties", in Zulfi Colleges Complex Theater. Dr. Fateh Hosni Mahmoud Abdul Karim, an associate professor in the Quran and its Sciences at the department, delivered the lecture as part of the unit’s action plan. At first, he described what it means to obey and honor one’s parents, and the serious consequences of neglecting this obligation, to our religion and our lives. He also explained that complacency in this obligation is a grave injustice, which Allah the Almighty is not oblivious to. Furthermore, he pointed out some symptoms of social-illnesses related to disobedience of one’s parents and negligence of this vital obligation. After that, Dr. Fateh presented various scientific and practical methods that increase righteousness and give parents the honor they deserve. The lecture was attended by the college students and faculty, who actively participated with the presenter. Such activities develop productive thinking and comprehension of critical concepts, and spread moral culture among the students. Mr. Sami Mohammad Al Zaarir, the Head of the Student Activities Unit

Last modified
Sunday, 28/June/2020