Ends of E-Exams for Distance Learning

Ends of E-Exams for Distance Learning

The Deanship of E-learning has finished the exams of the e-learning syllabuses i.e. Foundations of Health and Fitness (443 students), Introduction to Islamic Culture (127 students), Arabic Writing (87 students) and Language Skills (150 students). The exams were followed up by Dr. Musallam Al-Dousari – Vice-Rector of Majmaah University and Supervisor of the E-learning Deanship-, Dr. Khalid Al-Medebri- Vice-dean of the E-learning Deanship-, and Dr. Thafir Al-Qarni- Vice-dean for Academic Affairs as well as the Unit of Education at the College of Education in Zulfi. This is the first time students took those e-exams designed by the D2L system, which randomly selects the questions ranging from easy to difficult ones. The tests are part of the Strategic Plan of Majmaah University, which aims at teaching some required syllabuses online. The exam session went down quietly and smoothly. Students showed understanding of the tools and ways of handling e-exams. Dr. Rashid Al-Thenayan- Dean of the College- had checked the labs before the tests to make sure that everything was in place. Around 800 students took the 4-days exams. There were 6 exam labs equipped with state- of-the-art computers and connected to high speed internet services. The Deanship has been interested in running these exams in line with the standards of safety and professionalism. The Vice-dean of the E-learning Deanship commended the organization and running of the exams at the College. This achievement is one of the successes that Majmaah University is looking forward to see in the future, as it is part of the Development Plan of the University.

Last modified
Sunday, 28/June/2020