The Student Activity Committee at the Department of English Language Holds a Training Session Entitled "Curriculum Vitae (CV) Preparation"

The Student Activity Committee at the Department of English Language held a training session entitled "CV Preparation" on Monday, 18/05/1436 H, corresponding to 09/03/2015 AD, at the auditorium. Dr. Murad Al Shaboul, the head of the department, Mr. Ahmed Al Newafelh, and Mr. Salim Abdulhadi presented an explanation of the basic requirements of CV, including the following: a CV should have a strong and positive influence, have true information, be well organized in terms of ideas, use titles, have a chronological sequence, be clear by avoiding the use of ambiguous terms (e.g, CS which means Computer Science), avoid spelling and grammatical errors because the amount of proficiency in the language reflects the extent of culture, include e-mail and mobile phone number, use abbreviation (employers do not prefer to read paragraphs), be very concise (employers prefer that CVs be brief and informative). Moreover, a CV writer should bear in mind that recruiters receive hundreds or even thousands of applications; he should also use good white, uncolored and an A4 paper. In addition, it is more preferable that a CV maker should divide it into several boxes: personal information (name, date of birth, nationality, social status, address, phone numbers, e-mail, personal web page address), academic qualifications ( history, qualification and average if high , educational institution, place), job experience (the date you started the job , job title, job duties, the full time or part time jobs , as well as the practical and summer training), training courses (the period, name of the training session, place of the sessions' organizer), activities (the period, name of the activity , the place where the activity took place, as well as the skills and hobbies). At the end of the session, all students' inquiries were answered, in addition to discussing the comments and posts


Last modified
Sunday, 28/June/2020