My Story

In cooperation with Princess Alanood Foundation in Sudair, the Courses Committee at the Student Activity Unit organized a program entitled " My Story" on Tuesday 12\7\1437 AH, at the honoring hall. A graduate student, Fahad Algadfan, was hosted to talk about his story that reflected (persistence, patience and ambition). He talked about the problems and obstacles he faced during his personal and academic life. However, he never let those obstacles to restrain his ambition. One of those major obstacles was the car accident he had and ended up with serious injuries in his hand, head and spin. For years, he hadn't been able to move and had to have several operations, but he did't give up succeeding academically, socially and personally. The meeting aimed to motivate and inspire the students to consider the concept of success, which had a great effect on them and set Fahad's success story as a role model to many of them.

Last modified
Tuesday, 30/August/2016