Heads of the science college departments and units visit Rector’s office

His Excellency the Dean of College of Science and Human Studies at Hotat Sudair, Dr. Tariq Bin Suleiman Al Bahlal, accompanied by the college and department vice rectors, departments and units heads visited his Excellency the Rector, Dr. Khalid Bin Saad Al-Mugrin at his office on Wednesday 17 \ 07 \ 1436 A.H, corresponding to 06 \ 05 \ 2015 A.D. At the beginning of the meeting, his Excellency the Rector delivered a speech expressing his pleasure to see his guests. He praised the college for the level and progress it has achieved among other university colleges and for being one of the distinctive colleges at the university level. His Excellency also insisted on exerting more efforts to achieve the university aspirations. At the end of the meeting, the 1st copy of the book ‘a collection of college publications for the year 1435 \ 1436 H’ was given to his Excellency the Rector by the dean of the college. This book involves two parts; the first and the second with 27 printed copies. After that, the dean and members of the college thanked his Excellency the Rector for this visit and some photos were taken.

Last modified
Tuesday, 13/October/2015