The Department of English Language at the Female Section Wins the First Round of the Cultural Competition

The first round of the competition between the Department of Computer Science and the Department of English Language started on Tuesday, 05/05/1436 AH, corresponding to 24/02/2015 AD, at 9:30 AM at the female college auditorium. The referee committee consisted of Dr. Sana Hassan, Ms. Iqbal Sadiq, Ms. Haya Al Subaie, and Ms. Nejoud Al Metaeb. The competition was attended by Vice Dean of the College, Dr. Nora bint Shaker Al Shehri, in addition to a large number of the college administrators and students, and witnessed a variety of questions including religious, scientific, geographical , IQ, as well as general questions. The round ended with the winning of the Department of English Language and the loss of the Department of Computer Science. At the end, an announcement was made for the next round between the Department of Islamic Studies and the Department of Mathematics on Sunday 23/05/1436 H


Last modified
Sunday, 28/June/2020