Dean of the College Inspects the Way of Running Tests of the First Semester of the Academic Year 1435-1436 H

Dean of the College, Dr. Tariq ibn Suleiman Al Bahlal, has inspected the way of conducting tests at the college, and he was briefed on the preparations and settings taken by the College, represented by the Deanship for Educational Affairs, to conduct the tests successfully including the halls of tests as well as the organized committees to run the process of tests of teaching members and administrative ones, so as to provide the appropriate atmosphere to ensure that the performance of students for their tests is being done with precision and pleased. Thus, Vice Dean of the College for Educational Affairs, Dr. Yousef bin Mohammed Al Mahous, and Vice Dean of the College for Student Affairs and Chairman of the Committee of Conducting Tests, Dr. Adel bin Abdulrahman Al-Olayan, have participated in this visit as well. Everyone has expressed his happiness regarding the students' commitment to the rules of discipline and behavior within the committees, as well as the interest of students in good achievement which was clearly seemed in their enthusiasm to perform the tests seriously and effectively. Dr. Al Bahlal explained to the students that these tests are only signs which indicate the percentage of collection and utilization of the scientific subjects they had studied, and not neglecting the role of faculty members and lecturers who played an instrumental role in achieving the scientific benefit and the good achievement on the part of students. He also focused on the need to provide all avenues to serve the student during doing tests, where everybody noticed in their conversation with some of the students – their satisfaction and happiness towards what the College does provide of services to ensure the safe functioning of the tests process. Finally, Dr. Al Bahlal praised the efforts exerted by all units of the college to overcome the difficulties in particular, the Unit of Assessment and Measurement, to provide full care for students during the period of tests

Last modified
Sunday, 29/March/2015