Zulfi Eduction College Accredits Educational Plans

Zulfi Eduction College Accredits Educational Plans

The college of education in Zulfi finished the preparation of all its educational plans. Committees representing each department in the college worked on these schemes for a year. The plans were referred to special councils for review. Then, the college council thoroughly reviewed these blueprints, and referred them to independent arbiters for further view and crosschecking. Following the approval of the independent arbiters, the Committee of Programs and Plans at the university crosschecked and approved the final plans. Eventually, they were submitted to the university council for discussion and review. On 13/11/1435 AH and upon the rector’s decision NO. 11\271 on 27\01\1435 and decision NO. 11\272 dated 27\01\1436AH. a final approval was issued from the University.

Last modified
Friday, 03/April/2015