Zulfi College of Education Holds a Training Session Titled (The Art of Creating an Examination Paper)

Zulfi College of Education Holds a Training Session Titled (The Art of Creating an Examination Paper)

Under the auspices of the Deanship of Academic Affairs, and in collaboration with the Quality Center and the Department of Educational Sciences, the Training Unit at the Quality Center held, on Sunday 24/02/1437 AH, a training session titled (The Art of creating an Examination Paper), in the Male campus Quality Hall and the female campus Training Hall. Mr. Ahmed Bin Abdul Rahman Al-Jasser presented the session, in which he introduced the (Questions Template) program, and explained how to download and install it, and then he trained the faculty members in its application. Moreover, this program provides templates for various types of questions that are frequently used in the final exam and mid-terms as well. The program also provides a template for the examination paper letterhead; which helps to speed up test preparation with a proper design.

Last modified
Sunday, 28/June/2020