Zulfi College of Education Holds a Lecture

Zulfi College of Education Holds a Lecture

Zulfi College of Education held a lecture titled "Safe Family", which was presented within the Family Safety event organized by the Ministry of National Guard as part of the National Family Safety Program, which took place from 6-12\2\1437 AH. The lecture dealt with the concept of safety, its virtues and the fact that it’s the goal of all nations without any exceptions, especially in Muslim communities, which believe that faith is a prerequisite for security, and that security leads to tranquility; therefore, there’s no security without faith, and no growth without real safeguards against daily life disturbances. The lecture also addressed the importance of family, since it’s the basic foundation of a good community, and included an explanation of the foundations of a good family, which are love, compassion, mercy, and mutual respect between spouses. It also included an explanation of the rights of spouses, such as fulfilling their duties towards each other, cooperation in marital affairs of life and responsibility, as well as the duties and tasks imposed on families and Muslim communities by Islam. Furthermore, the lecturer addressed the issue of how to raise a safe family, which is through adherence to Islamic principles and values that enable us to make our family ties stronger and more durable, thus providing us with the tools to build a safe society that offers psychological and social stability. The Saudi society for instance, is a Muslim society built on cooperation, empathy and compassion; however the winds of change impact communities negatively and positively. Moreover, the lecture also included a discussion of several family issues, which negatively impact family safety, such as domestic violence, its causes and types, and how to deal with it in order to eliminate it. In addition to this, the lecturer discussed several parenting methods explaining which ones are the right, and which ones are wrong, because the circumstances of life led to many obstacles that negatively affected the process of socialization causing many families to fail in raising their children, which led to many childhood problems, one of the most important of which is aggressive behavior. Finally, the lecturer dealt with this problem by showing the factors of aggression in children, and how to deal with this problem, which is through the seven keys to understand the child's world.



Last modified
Sunday, 28/June/2020