Zilfi College of Education Workshop on the ' Way to a Strong Personality

Zilfi College of Education Workshop on the ' Way to a Strong Personality '

The College of Education in Zilfi organized on Sunday 24/02/1437, a training session entitled (Your Way to Strong Personality) which was held at the Unit of Academic Advising at the College in collaboration with the Zilfi Special Education and Kindergarten Section. Dr. Eman Hamdi Ibrahim – Assistant Professor of Psychological Health at the College- conducted the session that targeted the following objectives:- telling the difference between distinguishing and excellence. Distinguishing is the ability to tell the difference between two similar things while excellence is the outstanding performance. Indeed, all human beings have the same abilities and skills, but they need motivation to activate them. In fact, the zero has value only when on the right of a number, not on the left. Examples of these abilities are:Careful planning - organization - setting goals - making decisions- risk taking - communication skills – management of change- stress control at work -selection -vision and creativity - training and team building - motivation - confidence - the movement and action - commitment - energy and nutrition - emotions - Flexibility and the ability to change - honesty - setting good examples - wise use of authority – appreciation of responsibility- knowing ones powers and duties - ambition and realism - cognitive ambitions – open-mindedness and absence of confirmation bias- commitment to teamwork – openness to the community - mobilization for all.



Last modified
Sunday, 28/June/2020