Workshop on Making Copies, Imports, Exports and Surveys in E-Learning Management System

Workshop on Making Copies, Imports, Exports and Surveys in E-Learning Management System

Zulfi College of Education Holds a Workshop on Making Copies, Imports, Exports and Surveys in the E-Learning Management System (D2L) As part of activating the fourth phase of e-learning management system (D2L) plan, Dr. Ahlam Dusuqi Arif, an accredited trainer by the Deanship of E-learning and an assistant professor at the Department of Educational Sciences, presented an online training session via virtual classrooms titled "Making Copies, Imports, Exports and Surveys in the E-Learning Management System (D2L)". Date: Wednesday 22/5/1437 AH at 11:00 am. Place: E-learning lab. Target group: faculty members and the like. Objectives: 1. Defining the concepts of copy, import and export in D2L system. 2. Explaining the difference between copy, import and export in D2L system. 3. Illustrating how to use the copy tool to copy contents, such as (elements from courses contents, grades, drop box, questions, glossary). 4. Illustrating the use of the import and export tools in the system. 5. Explaining the concept of surveys and their importance in the educational process. 6. Illustrating how to make surveys in D2L system. 7. Illustrating how to make anonymous results in surveys. 8. Explaining how to recognize the responses of learners towards surveys, and how to extract results from them. 9. Illustrating how to delete surveys. Attendance: 56 members.


Last modified
Sunday, 28/June/2020