Presenter: Dr. Fawzia Abdulsamie. Date: Wednesday, 02/02/1438 AH, from 12-12:30 pm. Location: Annexed building, female section, Hall 30. Target group: female students. Objectives: 1- To Define Academic Counseling. 2- To identify the levels of Academic Counseling. 3- To identify the skills required in academic counselors. 4- Academic Counseling obstacles 5- Important points in Academic Counseling. Content: Guiding students in all aspects; psychological, educational, social and professional to become valid members of the society. Also, discussing various problems, whether educational, psychological, academic or personal, and helping to resolve them in order to facilitate students’ advancement in their studies. In addition to this, discovering and cultivating the students’ talents and abilities in constructive and beneficial ways. Also, helping them acclimatize to university life and the college system, and to take advantage of it. As well as providing guidance for them to the best ways of study and how to form links between their homes and college.

Last modified
Sunday, 28/June/2020