The Universities' Social Role in Empowering People with Disabilities, "University of Majmaah as a Role Model

The Universities' Social Role in Empowering People with Disabilities, "University of Majmaah as a Role Model."

The Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Education in Zulfi celebrated on Sunday 24/2/1437 H, The International Day of People with Disabilities for the year 2015 under the slogan "Access and Empowerment of all Capacities," where the department has held an academic meeting entitled "The Universities' Social Role in Empowering People with Disabilities, "University of Majmaah as a Role Model." which was presented by Dr. Mona Twakal Al-Sayed Assistant Professor of Mental Health and Special Education department. Among the most important themes addressed by the meeting were, universities active contribution as the most important educational institutions in the community service, as well as its social role which is an integral part of the main functions of universities' missions to play a vital role towards various segments of society, including the disabled. Then the meeting reviewed the most important access and empowerment services for people with special needs offered by University of Majmaah to its disabled students that ranges from adapting the university environment, the provision of educational needs, University of Majmaah inauguration of an official document to support students with special needs, an access gate for people with special needs, providing transportation for people with special needs, the formation of a standing committee to take care of their affairs. This is an indicator of the university success in facing the matters of disables and their integration into community as well as carrying out its social role toward people with disabilities in developing all services related to their education and training and then, their reintegration into society in all its social and academic fields, etc., to enable the resettlement of this group and to involve them actively in the process of sustainable development.

Last modified
Sunday, 28/June/2020