Training Students of Annexed Building on E-Courses

Training Students of Annexed Building on E-Courses

Trainer\ Dr. Nawal Aldosouki Course Title: Electronic Courses. Location: The Annexed Building. Date: 2 /courses on interacting with the electronic courses for 90 minutes on each day; on Monday 26\12\1437 Ah for the Language Students and Wednesday 28\12\1437 Ah for the Arabic Language Students. Audience: Students at the Annexed building. Objectives : 1- introducing how to get access to the electronic courses. 2- introducing the course grade distribution (60% for the final Exam and 40% for participation in the e-course). 3- explaining that 25% of absence in a course would get you DN. 4- introducing the communication means, which are the e-mail and the call tool, and training the students on using both tools. 5- introducing how to monitor the announcements. 6- introducing the e-course content, and training on a sample e-course to explore the contents: educational material, activities, assignments and exams. 7- introducing the contents and usages of classes board. 8- demonstrating how to upload assignment files and send them to the assignments folder. 9- Introducing how to use the discussion board, reply and make a new link to your discussion. 10- introducing the exam mechanism. 11- explaining how to sign in a virtual class. 12- explaining how to see the grades. 13- introducing the Calendar tool. The Students at the annexed building successfully learnt how to use the e-courses and were trained to: open the e-learning portal, access a course, track notifications, use the calendar, access the course's content for materials, activities and assignments, upload an assignment file to the required folder, participate in the discussion board, and replying to the mentions. The trainers also clarified the virtual class and how to access it and interact with the faculty member.

Last modified
Sunday, 28/June/2020