Student Activities Unit at Zulfi College of Education Organizes a Visit to the Department of Arabic Language

Student Activities Unit at Zulfi College of Education Organizes a Visit to the Department of Arabic Language

Zulfi College of Education, represented by the Student Activities Unity organized, on Monday 27/1/1437 AH, a visit to the Department of Arabic Language. The students visited the head and members of the Department, the Dean of the College and the Vice-Dean for Students Affairs were present as well. After the students were greeted they all drank some coffee and had dinner together, followed by a speech by the Dean, in which he thanked the University leadership for their support of the students. Then, the Vice-Dean for Students Affairs gave a speech, in which he thanked the Dean of the College for his support of the college students. At the end of the visit the students discussed some College matters with the Dean, the Vice-Dean, and the Head of the Department.

Last modified
Sunday, 28/June/2020