Reading Club

Reading Club

On Sunday 8\1\1328 Ah, the Activities Unit at the Education College of Zulfi launched the reading club activity in the presence of many students from different departments. The Unit's supervisor met the participated students to put the agenda and candidate some students to perform several activities. In order to provide opportunities to the students to develop their knowledge and encourage their peers to read with the Reading Club, the Activities Unit cooperated and coordinated work with the departments representatives. The Reading Club is significant for all college students and is provided with several books in different fields; as a step to help students in acquiring sound knowledge. One of the programs in the club is discussing a book that urges students to think deeply and enriches their knowledge. The club aims to encourage students to read more, raise their level of education, provoke discussions and enhance discussion skills and management, to which we will pay particular attention in order to foster sharing opinions in our community. Pr. Sami bin Mohammed Alzaarir. Supervisor of Activites Unit


Last modified
Sunday, 28/June/2020