Measuring Learning Outcomes and question bank

Measuring Learning Outcomes and question bank

The Faculty of Education in Zulfi hosted Dr. Mahmoud Azmi- Consultant at the Quality and Development Deanship- to present a workshop about measuring learning outcomes and making test banks at the theater of the Faculty. Several faculty members from various colleges attended the workshop, and they thanked the providers for their support of the event. Dr. Azmi addressed several topics related to learning outcomes including: 1- Measuring the learning outcomes of academic programs. 2- Performance indicators of the learning outcomes of academic programs. 3- Performance indicators of the learning outcomes of an academic course and its relationship with the academic program. 4- Measurement levels of courses and programs. 5- Matrix of learning outcomes for courses and programs. 6- Results of learning outcomes measurement. 7- Analysis of learning outcomes measurement results of MUP16 course. 8- Improving plans based on the results of analysis and recommendations. 9- Websites for test banks. The officials at the Faculty thanked Dr. Azmi for his efforts in the workshop at the end.

Last modified
Sunday, 28/June/2020