Mastery Learning

Mastery Learning

The Unit of Excellence in Teaching and Learning in cooperation with the Department of Educational Sciences at the College of Education in Zilfi (female sections) organized a training program entitled Mastery Learning on Tuesday 5/2/1437 in the training room at the college. The training program which was delivered by Dr. Iftikar Abdullah AL Ibrahim, the assistant professor in the Educational Sciences Department, targeted the teaching staff in the college and aimed to: introduce the concept of mastery of learning as well as its history and reasons. The training introduced also the premises of mastery learning and the conditions of use. The attendees were presented with the practical procedures of the mastery learning strategy along with advantages and disadvantages of such strategy. The lecturer stated further that the idea of mastery learning has roots in the teachings of Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) who 14 centuries ago called for perfection in one of his Hadith which says "Allah would like you to perfectly fulfill your duties." In the same context the prophet companion Ibn Massoud, may Allah bless him said: " if one of us memorized ten verses he would perfectly understand their meaning before learning other verses." Pointing to the idea of perfection in one's work.

Last modified
Sunday, 28/June/2020