An Introductory Meeting to “The General Assessment Test for University Students and the Teachers Competence Test”

An Introductory Meeting to “The General Assessment Test for University Students and the Teachers Competence Test”

Zulfi College of Education Deputyship holds an Introductory Meeting for “the General Assessment Test for University Students and the Teachers Competence Test” Represented by the Graduates Unit, the College of Education Deputyship held an introductory meeting for “the General Assessment Test for University Students and the Teachers Competence Test”. The meeting took place on Monday 17/6/1436 AH at the College Theater. It was attended by His Excellency Mr. Khalid Bin Abdul Mohsen Al Turaiqi, a consultant in the Department of Education in Zulfi, and a former advisor at the National Center for Measurement (1433 till 1435 AH). It was inaugurated by a welcoming speech by Mr. Abdurrahman Al Habdan, the supervisor of the Graduates Unit at the college, in which he greeted and welcomed the honored guest and the rest of the attendees. Next, the guest talked about the importance of the assessment and the competence tests, and about the types of assessment tests and the purpose of each type. Furthermore, he explained to the students what the suitable test for each of them is, based on each one’s desire; if a student seeks to complete his graduate studies, they must take the assessment test for the university students; but if they seek to enter a career in the educational sector, they must take the teachers competence test. Moreover, some samples of assessment tests were displayed to the students, where they participated in solving these tests in order to take an idea about them. At the end, the guest concluded the meeting by answering the students' questions and providing explanations to their inquiries.




Last modified
Sunday, 28/June/2020