Faculty of Education in Alzulfi Contributes in Spreading the Culture of Volunteering Work

Faculty of Education in Alzulfi Contributes in Spreading the Culture of Volunteering Work

As the Department of Education in Faculty of Education, Alzulfi is keen on aligning the theoretical aspect with the practical field in textbooks offered to students and to equip them with volunteering values, loyalty to the nation, preserving public properties and keeping a good image of the kingdom, the students who are registered in the volunteering work course (section 233) took part in a number of volunteering works in the community. This includes distributing winter clothes to the faculty janitors who are around 70 janitors. This took place in the presence of the faculty Dean Dr. Rashed Althinayyan and the course teacher, who is representative of Department of Education, Dr. Abdulmaqsoud Moawad Salamh. In the end, the faculty Dean offered thanks to the audience and urged everyone to do this on regular basis.

Last modified
Sunday, 28/June/2020