Faculty of Education in Alzulfi Conducts a Course on Saudi Digital Library (SDL) in English

Faculty of Education in Alzulfi Conducts a Course on Saudi Digital Library (SDL) in English

Under the auspices of the Deanship of Faculty of Education in Alzulfi, the training unit in the quality center, in cooperation with Department of English, conducted a training course entitled “Saudi Digital Library” in English on Monday and Tuesday 4-5/2/1437. It was delivered by Dr. Abdulfattah Ali Ghazal in the electronic education hall at 5:30 pm. The course discussed a number of topics: (1) introducing the Saudi Digital Library and its benefits; (2) how to access and register in Saudi Digital Library; (3) foreign electronic database; (4) and practical applications on using foreign electronic database.

Last modified
Sunday, 28/June/2020