Faculty of Educaiton in Alzulfi Holds a Training Course on Using Electronic Database in Teaching and Scientific Research

Faculty of Educaiton in Alzulfi Holds a Training Course on Using Electronic Database in Teaching and Scientific Research

Under the auspices of the Deanship of Faculty of Education in Alzulfi, the training unit in the quality center conducted a training course entitled “Using Electronic Database in Teaching and Scientific Research”. It was presented by Dr. Khamees on Wednesday 8/1/1437 in the faculty theater in men’s and women’s departments. The course was opened by the faculty Dean Dr. Rashed Hmoud Althinayyan and Dr. Sa’ad Abdullah Alhmoud, the faculty vice Dean for graduate studies and scientific research in the presence of the faculty vice Deans and a big number of teaching staff and students. The course covered a number of topics such as the lecture objectives, information awareness (Why and How), introducing the Saudi digital library, the objective of getting access to and using the Saudi digital library, the benefits of the digital library for 2015, the registration steps in SDL, the statistics of electronic information resources in the Saudi digital library, the Arabic electronic database and the applications of the process of using the Arabic electronic information database


Last modified
Sunday, 28/June/2020