Excellence Unit in Learning and Teaching Organizes a Scientific Seminar on Modern Learning and Teaching Methods

Excellence Unit in Learning and Teaching Organizes a Scientific Seminar on Modern Learning and Teaching Methods

The college of education at Al Zulfi represented by the unit of Teaching and Learning Excellence has organized a scientific seminar entitled “Modern learning and teaching methods: the example of Imam Al Bukhari” on Monday the 19th of October 2015 at 9 Am in the college complex theater. A group of students and faculty members have attended the seminar which was presented by Dr. Ali Suleiman Hafedh, the representative of the excellence unit in the department of Islamic Studies. The seminar dealt with the following topics: • Definition of modern methods • the concept of learning and learning methods • active learning and its impact on the learning process • active learning strategies • Imam Al Bukhari as a role model in learning • The life of Imam Al Bukhari and his learning and teaching methods.

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Last modified
Sunday, 28/June/2020