Session presenter: Mr. Nigar Taranam. Date: Wednesday 18/01/1438 AH. Location: Hall 33. Target group: female students. Objectives: 1- To teach students about the Indian civilization and customs. 2- To improve their English speaking skill. The English Department held, on Wednesday 18/01/1438 AH at 9:30 am, the first session in its English forum titled (Know your teacher), for its students. Mr. Nigar Taranam, a lecturer at the department, organized the session, in which she gave an outstanding presentation on the Indian civilization and customs. Then, she opened the door for questions, and started a discussion among both teachers and students about ancient India as a country and a as culture. The English Forum consists of several sessions, similar in nature, to be held every two weeks. As a result, this will provide the students with multiple opportunities to practice English outside their classrooms, and improve their English fluency. Another goal of this forum is to develop the students’ cultural awareness. Unit of Public Relations and University Media (the annex).

Last modified
Sunday, 28/June/2020