Do You Accept Change

Do You Accept Change?

On Tuesday, 28/3/1438, a course entitled "Do you accept change" was presented by Ms. Lulu Al-Ateeq with the participation of Ms. Mona Al-Fawzan, Dr. Fawzia Al-Bader and Ms. Reem Al-Mutairi in the Activity Hall in the educational building from 9:30 am to 11.30 am.

The target group was the college staff and the coordinators of the Student Advising Unit. Ms. Ateeq started the course with the important rules that must be followed, and then she asked What do you want from this program? Having listened to the different answers from a few members of the audience, she then explained the meaning and concept of change and presented her experience in this regard. She asked another question: where does the change start? After listening to answers from some attendees, she stated the main reasons that call for change and how to accomplish that change, and then she asked the attendees to share some of their stories of change that they had experienced. Following the audience contributions, the presenter explained the factors that contribute to change along with its sources, then she went on illustrating the inhibitors of change along with the factors of successful change.

After that, Ms. Mona Al-Fawzan talked in details about the job performance and the benefit of doing the best at it, taking into account that dedication and hard work are well worth of the good reward from God. Afterwards, Dr. Fawzia Al-Bader talked about work ethics, the most important of which is hard work and dedication, which Islam called for. Then she touched on its professional and personal benefits. She concluded by elaborating on the issue of good communication with others and its importance.


Last modified
Sunday, 28/June/2020