The Advisory Council of Faculty of English Language Department

The Advisory Council of Faculty of English Language Department

The Advisory Council of English Language Department held its meeting on Sunday 17\6\1437 AH in the Meetings Hall at College. The Council consists of: Dr. Abdulkareem bin Sajy al harbi as the Chairman, Dr. Homoud bin Ibrahim albatty, Dr. Ammar Muhammaf Modhowy, Dr. Bothinah Saied Abdulshahied, Mr. Fahad bin Saud Albahlal, and Mr. Absdulrahman bin Suliman Al-Atallah as members and Mr. Sami bin Muhammed Alza'areer as the Secretary of the Council. The Council members attended the meeting and discussed several topics in relation with the outcomes of the College and ways to develop them. They listened to field opinions and experiences of members working in education, had a look to the deficiencies and sufficiency of trainers, and identified the weaknesses of students and ways to overcome them. In addition, the Council members discussed how the Department would provide community services and they listened up to some suggestions. At the end, the Council came up with recommendations to improve the Department. Session Objectives: 1. Discussing the Department issues. 2. Discussing with experts in education fields and learn from their experience 3. enhancing the communication with society.


Last modified
Sunday, 28/June/2020