Activation of Learning Outcomes

Activation of Learning Outcomes

Date: 26/3/1438 - 29/3/1438 In the framework of the Department efforts to activate the learning outcomes and prepare its students for the teaching profession, the strategy of the mini-teaching model was activated in the following courses:

• Principles of Statistics and Probability.

• Foundations of Mathematics.

• Analytical Engineering.

• Theory of numbers.

• Calculus

2.  Linear algebra.

Objective of the program

• Activating the learning outcomes of the department and the possibility of measuring their achievement. Implementers: Students of the levels who study these courses supervised by the teacher of the course + supervisor of the department.

The students prepared the lessons assigned to them under the supervision of the department coordinator and applied the basics of the methods of teaching according to the school system. The students applied their lessons by explaining them to their colleagues in the lecture hall in the presence of the teacher of the course and the supervisor of the department attending as an educational member. The students linked the annotated scientific material with the subjects of the course they were studying. The teacher of the course and the supervisor of the department commented on the method of explanation and presentation. Students are satisfied with the importance of the teaching profession and the amount of information and skills that must be acquired to practice this profession. They were encouraged to propose the introduction of the mini-teaching model in the next few years.

Recommendations • We recommend that the studies should focus on general education curricula and the relationship between them and the curricula of the colleges of education in order to achieve the integrated basis of the educational process and achieve the mission of the university in accomplishing the sustainable development of society by the production of academically-qualified cadres.

Last modified
Sunday, 28/June/2020