Academic Advising Week in the College of Education in Zulfi

Academic Advising Week in the College of Education in Zulfi

In the framework of the academic advising activities in the College of Education in Zulfi which began on Wednesday 25-11-1436 under "Academic Advising ; Your Way to Success and Excellence", the Head and members of the Academic Advising Unit met with His Excellency the Vice-Dean for Student Affairs, Dr. Ahmed Bin Abdullah Alqashami, on Sunday 11/29/1436. The meeting aimed at presenting the plan, methodology and vision of the Academic Advising Week, how to be implemented in the required manner and its impact on building an academic culture to the teaching staff members and students in the College. The meeting also touched upon the most prominent problems facing the academic advising and the ways to overcome them. Moreover, it discussed the distribution of students among advisors and the mechanism of this process. We ask Allah for success.

Last modified
Sunday, 28/June/2020