News Archive

In cooperation with the Department of Business Administration, Student Activities Unit in the Female Students Department held on Wednesday, 26, 6, 1439H in the training hall a seminar entitled "Successful Leadership Model" and another one entitled "Characteristics of Successful Leader” The two…

A workshop entitled "The Art of Decoupage" was held on Thursday, 27/6/1439 H in cooperation with The Student Activity Unit at the Female Students Department.

The Students of the English Language Department organized in cooperation with the Student Activities Unit of the College an"English Corner" on Tuesday, 25/6/1439 AH at the training hall to mark the end of the extracurricular activities.

The Vice-Dean's Office for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research organized a range of activities on the occasion of the scientific research week in the sections of female students from Sunday 16/6/1439 to Tuesday 18/6/1439.

A program entitled "Our Ideas are Our Projects" was run on Monday 24/6/1439 AH at the training hall of female section.
Contemporary examples of businessmen were presented such as Mohammed Yunus, Abdulrahman Al Jeraisy, Kevin Quinn, Jerry Greenfield and Ted Williams.

In cooperation with the Holy Quran Memorization Association, The Community Service Unit held a training course entitled "Mastering Reciting Surat Al-Fatihah" for three days from Monday 2/7/1439 to Thursday 5/7/1439 AH, two hours a day in the hall of the College. Presented by a number of the…

The Student Activities Unit at female sections in cooperation with Islamic Studies Department, gave a lecture entitled "Oaths and Vows" on Thursday 13/6/1439 H. The lecture which was presented by Dr. Hayat Othman discussed the definition of both Oaths and vows, the types, and the provisions…

The training Unit held a workshop entitled "The Art of Leadership", on Thursday 5/7/1439 H, presented by Dr. Jamal Halawa, a faculty member of the Business Administration Department.

On Wednesday, June 5th 1439 at Hall number (39-2), Student Guidance Unit held a lecture entitled “Feelings and Advice of Parents towards Children". Ms. Hajar Akour- a lecturer at the Department of Islamic Studies- presented the lecture which discussed the following topics:

Student Activities Unit organized a campaign entitled "a toy that brings joy" on Thursday 13/6/1439 AH in the hall of the college. The campaign aims to bring joy to the hearts of children of low income families.

In cooperation with the college students’ affairs deanship, the Mathematics Department organized a visit to university central library, on Tuesday, 3/7/1439 H. The visit was under the supervision of Dr. Ahmed Abdulsattar, a member of the department.

Student Guidance and Advising Unit organized a course entitled "The Little Mother" at female students sections. The course targeted the female students of the College, on Tuesday, 3/7/1439 H.

In cooperation with the trainer/ Arwa Albadr, the Student Activities Unit held a course entitled: “Photoshop for Beginners”, at the training hall, on Thursday 13/6/1439 H.

In cooperation with the Department of Contemporary Islamic Studies of Houtat Sudair College, the Community Service Unit held a workshop entitled "Authenticating the Prophetic Hadiths" on Wednesday, 19/6/1439 AH at Department of Contemporary Islamic Studies, presented by Dr.

The Computer Science Department at female sections organized a course for faculty members and students on the theme "“Internet of Things Concept and its Uses and Benefits” on Thursday 13/6/1439 H.

The Intellectual Awareness Unit, in cooperation with the Community Service Unit and a number of female students, organized a program entitled "Contemporary Challenges of Generation" on Sunday, 1/7/1439 AH at the College Theater.

On Wednesday 26/6/1439 H, The Community Service Unit (female section) held a lecture on “Alzheimer Causes and Solutions”.

The E.learning Unit – female section- received a delegation from Zulf E-learning unit on Tuesday, 25/6/1439 H. A training session was conducted to the staff and students. The training session was on “Best ways to search for information on the internet”.

Sponsored by the Vice-Dean of female section Dr.

The unit of Student Activities held a quad PlayStation final championship at the sports hall, on Monday, 2/7/143/ H. A number of students participated in the championship.