News Archive

In the Honor of His Excellency Dean of Faculty of Sciences in Alzulfi On the occasion of three years have passed over establishment of Almajmaah University, a marathon competition was held. It was 6 kilo meters distance.

Traffic Division in Alzulfi held a Traffic Week Exhibition in the Technical Institute under the patronage of Alzulfi's governor. Faculty of Sciences participated in it. There has been some educational banners posted against the wall that express Traffic Week activities.

Student activities unit in Faculty of Sciences held the championship of football tournament on Deanship Cup in which Faculty departments, Faculty of Business Administration and the preparatory year.

Student Activities Unit in Faculty of Sciences held the first social, sporting and cultural meeting for Department of Medical Labs in Alsablah resort. The meeting was attended by forty two students and teaching staff. It was under the sponsorship of Faculty Dean Dr. Mohammad Saleh Aloboudi.

The final game in volleyball championship was held in Alzulfi sporting club on Saturday 6/4/1434 between Department of Mathematics and Department of Medical Labs. Department of Mathematics won the first place. The Dean Dr. Mohammad Saleh Aloboudi and director of activities unit Mr. Abdulaziz…

 Faculty of Sciences in Alzulfi, represented by student activities unit, held volleyball championship on Sunday 29/3/1434. The first game was between Department of Mathematics and Department of Physics.

 Dean of Faculty of Sciences in Alzulfi Dr. Mohammad saleh Aloboudi together with Director of student activities Mr. Abdulaziz Alghashami received Dr. Hamad Abdullah Alghemeizi who was on an inspection visit.     

Faculty of Sciences in Alzulfi, represented by student activities unit, held the volleyball championship on Sunday 29/3/1434.

By the grace of Allah, Department of Physics and Department of Computer Sciences and Information have achieved first places at a celebration held by Deanship of Quality and Skills Development under the auspices of the University Rector Dr.

Faculty of Sciences in collaboration with Faculty of Education conducted seminars Monday through Wednesday on 4-6/2/1434. These seminars aimed to acquaint graduating students from Physics and Mathematics Departments with Standardized Test for English Proficiency (STEP).

 Faculty of Sciences in cooperation with Faculty of Education held seminars Monday through Wednesday on 4-6/2/1434 for the sake of introducing graduating students in Department of Physics and Department of Mathematics to Kefayat examination that is made by National Center for Assessment which is

Faculty Administrative Development Committee held its first session for the academic year 1433/1434 on 2-9-1434. The session was headed by Faculty vice Dean for quality and development Dr. Solaiman Alsalamah, head of the administration and heads of the college units.

 The students of Faculty of Sciences in Alzulfi went on a trip to the welder factory on Sunday 02/03/1434. They were accompanied by activities supervisor in College Mr. Abdul Aziz Alqhashami.

The students of Faculty of Sciences in Alzulfi made a visit to Communities Education Center in Alzulfi on Monday 04/02/1434. Mr. Khaled Almunaifi welcomed the students and accompanied them on a tour in the office. The students got acquainted with some new Muslims and gave them gifts.

 The students of Faculty of Sciences in Alzulfi made a visit to the Charitable Society on Monday 04/02/1434. They were accompanied by Mr. Sahib Alduwayyesh, the director of Student Affairs. He was their guide to get them to know the socity activities and efforts in the town. 

Faculty of sciences, represented by the students' activities, made a trip to the planetarium in department of physics, Mohammad bin Saud University in Riyadh. Twenty students went on a trip in the accompany of Dr. Ibrahim Alshaarani, Supervisor of students activities in the faculty Mr.

Faculty of Sciences in Alzulfi, represented by the unit of students activities, held a table tennis tournament for three days starting from 01/17/1434, among the colleges complex in Alzulfi: College of Business Administration, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Dentistry, Faculty of Sciences. 

Faculty of Sciences' students in Alzulfi, represented by students affairs and student activities unit, made a visit to Alzulfi hospital and they were welcomed by director of public relations at the hospital Mr. Obaidullah Hamad Al Harbi.

Faculty of Sciences in Alzulfi distributed winter clothes among garbage collectors in the town. This was organized with students affairs and unit of students activities in the Faculty  

 His Excellency Dr. Khalid Al-Muqrin opened the exhibition accompanying the conference on Sunday 4/1/1434.