News Archive

The Department of Internal Audit has won the Rector's Award for Quality and Excellence for the academic year 1438/1439.

The Director of the Internal Audit Department at Hafr Al-Baten University, Mr. Abdullah bin Mutlaq Al-Mutairi and Mr. Hamad Bin Ghali Al-Zafairi, visited the Internal Audit Department at the University.

The annual audit plan for the Internal Audit Department for the year 1439/1440 was approved by the Rector in line with Article 7 of the Unified Rules of Internal Audit Units in Government Bodies and Institutions.

The Internal Audit Department held a periodic meeting where a number of topics were discussed, including the audit reports and the tasks included in the fourth quarter of the annual audit plan, which had been approved by the University Rector.

Internal Audit Management Participates in The Sixth Internal Audit Conference in Saudi Arabia Following the university rector's guidance to promote participating and connecting with vocational forums, the university participated in the 6th  Internal Audit Conference organized in Saudi Arabia by t

   Internal Audit Department Honore Outstanding EmployeesThe Director of the Department, Mr.

 Internal Audit Department Congratulates MU Rector’s extension of Tenure The Internal Audit Department at Majmaah, represented by the director Mr. Abdul Aziz M. Al-Thumairy and all staff are pleased to express their gratitude for the extension of Dr. Khalid Al-Mugren’s tenure as a rector for…

 The Internal Audit Administration Participates in the 14TH Annual Seminar of General Auditing Bureau The Internal Audit Administration Participates in the 14TH Annual Seminar of General Auditing BureauIn accordance with the directives of the Rector of Majma’ah University as to strengthen the…

The Director of Internal Audit Department Mr. Abdil Aziz Bin Mohammed Al-Thumairi passed a number of administrative resolutions appointing a number of heads of departments and units for a period of one year. The appointments were the following: Mr.

The Internal Audit Department has completed the Annual Assignment Plan of the academic year 1437/1438 and had it approved by the University Rector.

The Director of the Internal Auditing Department at Taif University, Dr. Sultan Al-Asmari, paid a visit to Majmaah University Internal Auditing Department. Following his reception by the Head of the Internal Auditing Department at the University, Mr. Abdul-Aziz Al-Themiri, Dr.

Following an approval from Majmaah University Rector, Dr. Khalid Al-Muqrin, the Head of the Department of Internal Audit, Mr. Abdul-Aziz Al-Themeri along with a few staff members at the Department received Mr.

In the light of the directives of the university rector to consolidate participation and networking with professional conventions and competent parties, Majmaah University, represented by Mr.

A delegation of the Internal Audit Department in Qassim Region -headed by Mr. Ali Al-Mehesin- paid a visit to the Internal Audit Department at Majmaah University. Director of the Department, Mr. Abdul-Aziz Al-Themiri and his assistant, Mr.

Copies of the Internal Audit Issues were distributed to all the Saudi Universities as well as regulatory institutions per instructions from Majmaah University Rector, Dr. Khalid Al-Muqrin. The issues of the Internal Audit included: 1- A Procedural guide for financial auditing.

Under the patronage of the Rector, Dr. Khalid Almuqrin, and the presence of the Vice-Rector for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research, Prof. Muhammed bin Abdullah Alshaie' and many personnel of deanships and administrations, the Internal Audit Administration held a workshop entitled ( The…

Rector Receives the Annual Report of Internal Audit and Procedural Handbooks of Financial and Performance Audit. The Rector, Dr. Khalidbin Sa'ad Almugrin, received a number of the staff in the Internal Audit Department headed by the Department Director, Mr.

The Internal Audit Administration won 3rd place in the Rector's Excellence and Quality Award of Administrations for the academic year 1436\1437 AH; although it was launched recently.

Under the supervision of Majmaah University Vice-rector Dr. Musallam Al-Dosari, the Internal Audit Department has organized a workshop entitled (Significance of Internal Audit). Director of the Internal Audit Department Mr.

Headed by the Director of the Directorate of Internal Audit, Mr. Abdul Aziz bin Mohammed Al-Thmeri, a team from the directorate visited His Excellency MU Rector, Dr. Khalid bin Saad al-Muqrin, in his office.