On 15-16 / 1 / 1440 AH, the General Department of University Security, represented by the Women's Security Department participated in the activities of the 88th National Day of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at the College of Education (female students’ sections) in Majmaah Governorate.

The Security Department received a letter of appreciation from the Rector in recognition of the high level in preparing annual report for 1438/1439 academic year at the University.

The Director of the Administration of University Security Mr. Abdulrahman bin Abdul Aziz Al Abdul Jalbar received the Director of Internal Audit Department, Mr. Abdul Aziz bin Mohammed Al-Thamiri and a number of staff members.

The Director of the Security Department at Majmah University Mr. Abdurrahman bin Abdul Aziz Al Abdul Jabbar, received the Director of the Internal Audit Department, Mr. Abdul Aziz bin Mohammed Al-Thumairi with a few staff members.

As one of its various achievements, the General Administration of University Security successfully organized the graduation ceremony of the ninth batch of students of Majmah University for the academic year 1439 H.

As directed by the University Vice Rector Prof. Musallam Al-Dosari, the General Administration of University took part in activating the university role as a strategic partner in Sudier First marathon 2018.

The Department of Women Security hosted the first consultation meeting of the Women Security Units at the General Administration of University Security on Wednesday, 4/7/1439 at the meeting room of the College of Applied Medical Sciences.

The Administration of University Security, in cooperation with the Administration of Occupational Health and the Environment, and with the participation of a number of relevant authorities, implemented an evacuation drill at the College of Science and Humanities in the female sections on Wednesda

The General Administration of University Security held a meeting under the chairmanship of the Director of the General Department of University Security Mr.

An evacuation simulation process was carried out at the College of Sciences in Zulfi(female section) by the General Department of Occupational and Environmental Health in collaboration with the General Department of Security (GDS) and some other relevant bodies.

A number of training courses were conducted by the General Department of Security for (73) of its staff. The primary aim of these courses are to qualify security guards and raise their awareness of regulations and their role.

The Department of University Security in Zulfi and Al Ghat represented by the Women's Security have participated in the exhibition held to celebrate the International Day of Civil Defense under the slogan "Educational Institutions and Culture of Safety" at the Faculty of Education in Zulfi (femal

In recognition of the report issued during the first quarter of the year 1442 AH, the General Administration for Security received a letter of appreciation from MU rector, Dr. Khalid al-Muqren.