Within the framework of the works carried out by the recipient of MU’s administration and supporting deanships building committee, a meeting was held by the committee at the General Administration for Projects and Technical Affairs and in the presence of the head of the committee, Eng.

At the request of the Vice-Rector, Prof. Musallam Al-Dosari exchange experience with other departments, the Director, Eng. Abdel Aziz Al-Shunaify welcomed in his office the Director of the General Administration of Security, Mr. Nasser Al-Abdeljabar and Mr. Nasser Al-Abbad.

The General Administration of Project and Technical Affairs conducted a workshop for the Project Management Office to discuss some technical issues related to the Project Management System (2pmo).

Within the framework of the social responsibility and ongoing cooperation with the College of Engineering to train students, the Director of the General Administration of Projects and Technical Affairs, Eng. Abdel Aziz Al-Shunaify, welcomed in his office Dr.

Based on the directives of the Vice-Rector, Prof. Musallam Al-Dosari to exchange experience with other departments, the director of the General Administration of Projects and Technical Affairs, Eng. Abdel Aziz Al-Shunaify, welcomed in his office the manager of Project Management Office, Dr.

A number of the Directorate of Projects and Technical Affairs, led by the General Manager, Eng. Abdul Aziz Al-Shunaifi, visited MU Rector, Dr. Khalid Al-Muqren in his office.
Eng. Al-Shunaifi submitted the procedural manuals for engineering projects approved earlier for launch.

At the request of MU Rector, Dr. Khalid Al-Muqren to maintain cooperation with regulatory authorities, the General Director of Projects and Technical Affairs, Eng. Abdulaziz Al-Shunaify received in his office two of the General Auditing Bureau employees: Mr. Mohammed Al-Hassuon and Mr.

The directorate staff also paid a visit to the Vice-Rector’s Office, Prof. Musallam Al-Dosari in the presence of the General Supervisor of Technical Affairs, Mr. Othman Al-Issa.

At the request of the Vice-Rector to establish communication between the university’s different departments, the General Manager of the Directorate of Projects and Technical Affairs, Eng. Abdul Aziz Al-Shunaifi, welcomed in his office the Vice-Dean of Deanship of Information Technology, Dr.

MU Rector, Dr. Khalid Al-Muqren paid an inspection visit to the urgent buildings project at main campus in Majmaah.

Based on the approval made by the Organization and Administrative Development Committee for the new organizational structure, the manager of the Directorate of Projects and Technical Affairs, Eng. Abdul Aziz Al-Shunaifi issued the following assignment orders:

Supervisor of Projects and Technical Affairs Department, Mr.

At the request of MU Rector follow-up regularly the progress of all MU projects, the Vice-Rector, Prof. Musallam Al-Dosari, paid an inspection visit to the urgent buildings project at the main campus in Majmaah.

Eng. Abdel Aziz Al-Shunaify, General Manager of Directorate of Projects and Technical Affairs, paid a visit to MU Rector, Dr. Khalid Al-Muqren. The visit took place in the presence of the Vice-Rector, Prof. Musallam Al-Dosari and the general supervisor of technical affairs, Ms.

The General Administration for Projects and Technical Affairs conducted a meeting with the General Administration of Follow-up on Sunday.

The General Administration of Projects and Technical Affairs was pleased to be honored by MU Rector, Dr. Khalid Al-Muqren for its effective role and cooperation in organizing the 23rd Meeting of GCC which was hosted by MU during the period from 15-16/10/2019.

Based on the directives of MU Rector to bridge the gap with public sectors located within the university geographical area, a visit was paid to Majmaah Province Municipality.

Within the framework of the cooperation with the College of Engineering to train students during summer vacation, the Training Unit at the General Department of Projects and Technical Affairs conducted on Monday a meeting with interns in the presence of the supervisor of the training, Eng.

The Supervisor of the General Department of Projects and Technical Affairs, Mr. Osman bin Hamad Al-Issa, accompanied by the Project Manager Eng. Abdul-Aziz bin Fahad Al-Shanifi, Assistant Engineer Mr. Rakan Bin Saad Al-Otaibi and Project Manager Eng.

The Administration of Projects and Technical Affairs won the Rector's Award which was received by the General Supervisor of Administration Mr. Othman Bin Hamad Al Issa, who expressed thanks on behalf of the Administration to the Rector for this honor.