Toward High Moral Ethics

Toward High Moral Ethics

Toward High Moral Ethics Supervision and Guidance Unit – Math department Date: 14/6/1438 AH. Location: Classroom no.59 Target audience: Students Objectives: To explain the importance of Truthfulness, citing some Quranic verses and Hadiths (Prophet Traditions). To urge the audience to be truthful and emulate the Prophets peace be upon them. To emphasize that Muslims should be truthful with Allah, with one’s self, and others in all aspects of life. Content: The program addressed the definition of Honesty in which it is the basis of good and virtuous ethics. Furthermore, it included some Quranic verses and Hadiths indicating the importance of such virtue along with some stories about the truthfulness of Prophets peace be upon them, its benefits and types, and some real examples of the consequences of dishonesty.

أخر تعديل
الثلاثاء, 06/يونيو/2017