A Training Field Visit to the College Library Entitled "An outlook on the Nation’s Cultural Heritage; Displaying Models and Describing Approaches"

A Training Field Visit to the College Library Entitled "An outlook on the Nation’s Cultural Heritage; Displaying Models and Describing Approaches"

A Training Field Visit to the College Library Entitled "An outlook on the Nation’s Cultural Heritage; Displaying Models and Describing Approaches". The Zulfi College of Education represented by the Unit of Excellence in Teaching and Learning has organized a training field visit to the College library entitled "An Outlook on the Nation’s Cultural Heritage; Displaying Models and Describing Approaches," on Tuesday, 03/02/1436 at 9.00 am. The workshop was attended by a huge number of students and was presented by Dr. Ali Suleiman Hafez and it covered the following topics: - The importance of the Nation’s written heritage. - The codification of books of Sunnah during the third and fourth century. - The most well-known books of Sunnah during the third and fourth century. - The importance of Ibn Khuzaymah’s book and the feedback it received (it is a book written by a gold leaf), analytical books and analyzers approaches.

أخر تعديل
السبت, 28/مارس/2015