The Student Affairs Deanship Holds an Acquaintance Meeting for its Units Members during Their Time off.

The Student Affairs Deanship Holds an Acquaintance Meeting for its Units Members during Their Time off.

The Student Affairs Deanship holds an Acquaintance meeting for its Units Members during Their Time off. The Student Affairs Deanship has held a meeting for the deanship units during the employees’ time-off on Sunday, 23/01/1436 AH, in one of the province’s chalets. The meeting was an opportunity for the members of the deanship units to get acquainted. It started with a speech delivered by the Vice dean in which he welcomed the deanship members and employees, it also involved the audience’s suggestions and questions,and a discussion about all the units functions including; the Student Affairs Units, the Student Activities Units, the Academic Counseling and Student Rights Units, and the Registration and Student Services Unit. The meeting resulted in the agreement between all the units to upload everything that is related to the units on the electronic portal of the University website, provide the students with all the services, including the Academic Counseling, keep the student informed with the provided services by the academic counselors, and motivate students to participate in the activities. Then, everyone participated in the banquet dinner hosted by the Vice Dean for Student Affairs.


أخر تعديل
الأحد, 30/نوفمبر/2014