His Excellency the Vice-Rector of Educational Affairs and his Advisory Scientific Team in a visit to the College of Science and Humanities in Houta Sudeer

His Excellency the Vice-Rector of Educational Affairs and his Advisory Scientific Team in a visit to the College of Science and Humanities in Houta Sudeer In the framework of the seasonally scheduled visit, the Houta Sudeer College of Science and Humanities was honored by the visit of His Excellency Dr, Mohamed Bin Othman Al-Rakban- the Vice-Rector of the Educational Affairs, on Wednesday, 06/16/1435 AH, accompanied by the Agency team which was made up of the supervisors of the technical administrations in the agency. The visit started with the greeting of His Excellency the College Dean for His Excellency the Vice-Den and his team. Then, the Vice-Dean met with the male and the female students of the college, and he heard all their ideas and suggestions. Besides, the supervisors of the technical administrations in the agency congregated with the supervisors of the technical units of the college; wherein, there were discussions and emphasis on the clarity of the vision, the mission, and the objectives of each unit through the concord of work between the Agency of the University Academic Affairs- since it is the sponsor of the educational mission at the level of the university’s colleges- and its corresponding units in the college. On another note, His Excellency the Vice-Rector had met with the university teaching members of both sexes; wherein, he began his speech by welcoming the college teaching members, and he urged them to do their best and to provide whatever ideas that could bring more progress for the college in all areas. And, he promised to provide the proper support for anything appropriate and useful. As a matter of fact, the successive meetings of His Excellency the Vice-Dean of the Educational affairs and the Agency team with the College team had continued for three hours which were followed by a meeting for the entire team with the Dean of the college and his agents. During this meeting, they examined what had been introduced during the peripheral meetings, and discussed each one separately, and listened to the opinion of the Dean of the College and his agents and the coordination with His Excellency the Vice-Dean of the Educational Affairs who promised his support and adoption of supportive projects for many of the college programs that the university depends on. Besides, his Excellency the Vice-Dean’s Advisory Scientific Team listed the results of the meetings with the college units which were included in the structure of the Educational Affairs agency, as nearly all the team had praised the excellence, the amazing success, and the clear vision in the college process which compatible with the objectives and the missions of the university strategic plan and particularly in the field of study plans. Besides, everyone was excited with the university electronic page in terms of its uniqueness in its content especially the college connection with its scholars at home and abroad through the “College Ambassadors” icon, adding to that the obvious enrichment in the page cognitive content. At the end of the visit, His Excellency the Vice-Dean, the Agency Team, the college leaders, and the college teaching members took lunch on this occasion




أخر تعديل
الأربعاء, 30/أبريل/2014